About Us

Welcome to BookKeeper, your trusted companion in clientele management. We understand the challenges faced by entrepreneurs like you. Passionate about sharing beautiful flowers. BookKeeper is here to simplify your workflow, empower your business, and help you thrive, so you can spend more time sharing your love for flowers.

Product Name: BookKeeper

Target Users

Our target users are florists in the floral industry who are looking for efficient ways to manage their customer lists and streamline their customer management processes. These individuals are constrained by time due to their perishable flowers. With limited resources and manpower, it is essential for them to optimize their workflows and maximize productivity.


In the bustling world of a small business, time is precious. BookKeeper aims to provide a seamless solution for managing customer relationships, allowing you to focus on what matters most - selling flowers to others who love them just as much as you. Our platform offers a user-friendly interface and powerful features to streamline your workflow, saving you time and effort.

Unique Selling Point

Centralized Platform

Say goodbye to scattered customer lists and spreadsheets. BookKeeper offers a centralized platform to store and search for clients, keeping all your important information in one place.


With a command-line interface, our application is faster and more efficient than traditional methods like CRMs or Excel sheets. Spend less time navigating complex menus and more time serving your customers.

Tailored for Crochet Businesses

We understand the unique needs of florists, which is why our platform offers customizable fields, customizable tags, and integration with e-commerce platforms.


BookKeeper is designed to be cost-effective and easy to use, perfect for florists with limited time and resources. Maximize productivity without breaking the bank.

Value Proposition

For small business owners launching services, organizing customer lists can be challenging. BookKeeper offers a centralized platform to store and search for clients, streamlining customer management. With a command-line interface, our application is faster and more efficient than inputting data into other systems like CRMs or Microsoft Excel.

Team Information

We are a team based in the School of Computing, National University of Singapore.

You can reach us at the email
jaspertan@u.nus.edu e0967851@u.nus.edu ian.tung@u.nus.edu e0959354@u.nus.edu

Project team

Jasper Tan Zu Xiang


  • Role: Front-End Developer
  • Responsibilities: Specialize in creating the user interface and user experience of the BookKeeper application. Ensure that the application is visually appealing, responsive, and easy to navigate for users.

Goh Ying Xuan, Shavonne


  • Role: UI/UX Designer
  • Responsibilities: Creating a seamless and intuitive user experience for the BookKeeper application. Conduct user research, create wireframes and prototypes, and design user interfaces that are visually appealing and easy to use.

Tung Zhi Yong, Ian


  • Role: Back-End Developer
  • Responsibilities: Specialise in handling the logic and data behind the scenes of the BookKeeper application. From interfaces.

Kailin Teo


  • Role: Back-End Developer
  • Responsibilities: Focus on building the server-side components of the BookKeeper application. Handle tasks such as implementing business logic, managing the local storage, and ensuring the security and scalability of the application.